How do you clean 20 feet high windows?

can window cleaning scratch windows

Gutter cleaning should be done at least twice a year. Water damage from dirty gutters is possible. However, ignoring these issues can make your home look unattractive. You can attract mosquitoes to your home by allowing water to collect in the gutters. It is essential to clean your gutters.

Window cleaners must always be professionally dressed. You'll make sure your customers are comfortable, and that you don't feel embarrassed. It is important to dress in workwear, such as overalls or work gloves. A winter cap may be necessary in cold weather. A pair of waterproof boots is a good idea, as well as fleece socks.

When you're considering gutter cleaning, it's essential to have the right supplies. It includes the proper ladder and cleaning supplies. Pro vacuums and power washers are essential. You'll also need to use a ladder and be sure to take safety precautions.

How do you clean 20 feet high windows?